Our Staff
Mark Schaller
With a hunger to learn and seek truth, Mark enjoys the blessing of a beautiful wife, watching his young son grow into manhood and the challenge of contributing to a growing practice. He enjoys serving patients and staff, as well as experiencing how each have a unique history worth knowing. He likes the outdoors and discovering God’s creative hand. Especially golf!
Alesha Anthony
Alesha is a dental hygienist with over 20 years of experience. Her dental hygiene degree was obtained from Chabot College in Hayward. She lives in Roseville with her amazing husband and their 2 wonderful children. When not providing high quality dental care to our patients, she enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping, camping, and spending time with the kids.
Emily Snyder
Emily worked previously in a Granite Bay Orthodontist Office, until she took a break to be at home with her two baby boys, and volunteer in ministry at church. She resides in Roseville and stays active with her boy's school, soccer, and baseball schedules. When she has free time, she loves to write, craft, or get-away to the ocean. She LOVES serving people in the front office, and encouraging patients!